Alicia Eberle
I have been working at Boston Green Academy (BGA) four years ago. I began my journey with BGA as an ESL teacher in middle school, then transitioned to working with a combination of middle school and high school classes; currently, I work predominantly with high school students.
In my first year working at BGA, I had the opportunity to sit down with the principal after reviewing some interesting math and ELA data. I proposed that we create and dedicate a program that targeted students' individual needs in math and English language arts, called What I Need (WIN) for middle school students. We would use quarterly data to adjust students' classes at the end of the term and assign them to small class sizes in order to receive more targeted instruction and support from teachers. I researched and purchased programs for the school for math and ELA that met students at their instructional level and provided explicit opportunities to practice skills. I was very pleased to witness my idea move from the infancy development stages to implementation. I am delighted that we are in year three of WIN and have expanded from middle school to high school.
In addition, I am the ESL department lead and the Language Acquisition Team Facilitator (LATF) for the school. I co-create the ACCESS testing schedule with the assistant principal and communicate this information with teachers on a regular basis. I coordinate and administer all four domains with the support of my department to ensure all students are tested in grades 6-12. This year I will also administer the ACCESS alt test to our LFI students. To prepare for this work, I attend monthly meetings with DESE that are geared towards district test administrators. Finally, I work as the LATF for the school. I am responsible for collaborating in monthly meetings with the district and to communicate pertinent information back to the department in the building. I also maintain students’ physical files and communicate with teachers regarding work samples needed. Additionally, I ensure that all ESL students are in compliance with their legally mandated minutes. I do this work through creating the schedule in the summer for all students and maintaining their minutes throughout the year.
I believe in our responsibility as global citizens, and the impact we have on the planet. I would like the opportunity to bring my passion and values to my students by having them create and design a sustainable project from conceptual stage to end product, while interacting with students from other countries.